09 October 2011

Can Apple Stand Without Steve Jobs?

Based on the news reported last week, how apple is going to face the reality that they lost a very brilliant property.

This is really a big challenge to Apple as many technology companies are really trying to beat Apple. For example, Android is already a powerful and user friendly operating system that can run more than 200,000 apps that is why many gadget providers have acquired Android OS to capture Apple’s crown.

In a recent launch held by Apple in California, Apple fans, users, bloggers and other groups were disappointed during the launch of iPhone 4s as they were expecting iPhone 5, a cooler gadget than its existing iPhone 4, Android Phones and Windows Phone 7. This is actually one of the reasons why rumors have spread.

With Apple’s current condition, it is possible that they will step down from where they are. One is the disappointment tackled on the previous paragraph. Second, I believe that there are still remaining secrets of the late Steve which haven’t revealed when he was still alive. Intellectual property is very important especially if from the start of the business to where is it right now, you started to lay the foundation, did a very wide research and study as well as the years of experience and learnings which would gone away in just a snap.

We may be able to find this out in a few years later.

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